As the Refugee Like Foundation continues a progressive movement with raising funds for various causes both locally and domestically, its charity endurance team the Running Refugees will now raise the bar with forming a Chicago Marathon squad beginning in 2024. The proceeds from fundraising will support the Hanan Refugee Relief Group’s effort in building the first ever at home dialysis clinic in Ramallah, Palestine. While the West Bank currently offers a variety of dialysis centers, the Hanan Refugee Relief Group is building a first of its kind center where patients in critical need of dialysis can administer treatment at home or the term better known as Peritoneal Dialysis (PD): “Palestinians continue to deal with a horrific occupation and many patients with kidney failure have limited access to visit a clinic several days a week for treatment” says Chairman of the Refugee Life Foundation Rush Darwish. “The Running Refugees will pledge to supply as many Claria Cycler Machines as possible to give patients a viable option to improve quality of life”.

This will be the second year for the Running Refugees Marathon team. Since launching in 2020,  The endurance charity team have run numerous multi-hundred mile relay events for various causes including aiding refugees in Greece, supplying rental assistance for Afghanistan Refugees based in Chicago, providing hearing aids for families in the West Bank, and created Back2School Kicks Chicago in the summer of 2022 where over 300 pairs of new shoes were distributed to students from underserved neighborhoods. If you are interested in joining the Running Refugees Marathon Team in 2024 make sure to leave your contact information below to learn more details.